Two cartoon flicks for you on DVD this week, perhaps there is a call for getting children in front of that television on these cold, dark nights. The two films both had mixed reviews with one having been reviewed on this site. The other was actually released a year ago in cinemas just in time for Christmas and it seems like they have held it off to use Christmas again as a selling point. Can't say I'm surprised considering it has the word Christmas in the title. Any way here are the films below.

THE LORAX - An animated take on Dr Seuss' famous tale. A twelve year old boy must discover the story of the Lorax in order to win the heart of the girl he loves. To do so he must leave his town which runs on fake air and venture to the dried out land beyond its walls.

ARTHUR CHRISTMAS - Released a year ago
Arthur Chrsitmas follows the story of the title character who is related to Father Christmas. Arthur believes in bringing joy to everyone on Christmas and when he realises a poor girl has been left off the list he does all he can to bring her the present she wants.
Arthur Christmas trailer
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