Here's some news for all those old school sci-fi
Star Wars fans; it is returning. Disney has brought George Lucas' production company which has brought us the previous six
Star Wars films and they have stated that another trilogy is on the way. Disney have reportedly paid in the region of 4 billion dollars for the production company but if this new trilogy is half as popular as the previous ones then I'm sure it will turn out to be a shrewd piece of business.

The first film in the trilogy, due for release in 2015, is in the early stages of development with no news on potential plot elements. However it has been rumoured that we will now meet Luke Skywalker in middle age?! Then again I have also seen online that they will be going a completely new route with it. The initial trilogy has become a classic and the newer one failed to live up to its predecessors, especially in the eyes of die hard
Star Wars fans, so I wonder what this news means to those people. Can Disney take the far away galaxy back to the brilliance of the first trilogy? We will have to wait till 2015 to find out.
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